“That’s all they’re worried about, you can tell. You know what kind of liability they face if you die while you’re on status?”
Rivas was the manipulator in the ward everyone knew that her attempts were merely gestures, but the aides wearily paid attention to her lest she succeed accidentally. “I’m sure it won’t be long for you.” Mrs. Lord knows I won’t be leaving for a long time.” “Leaving after only a week? Hardly a real stay at all. Renee was looking out the window when Mrs. There is nothing which can be multiplied by zero to produce a nonzero result therefore, the result of a division by zero is literally “undefined.” 1a However, multiplying infinity by zero produces only zero, not any other number. The reason is that division is defined as the inverse of multiplication if you divide by zero, and then multiply by zero, you should regain the number you started with. Dividing a number by zero doesn’t produce an infinitely large number as an answer.